
China.org.cn 2024-09-19 16:06:46

Caishixi Scenic Spot is an important part of Mount Tai World natural and cultural Heritage and global Geopark.位于泰山風景名勝區西麓海拔200米至780米之間,It is located at the west foot of Mount Tai Scenic Spot, between 200 meters and 780 meters above sea level,下起桃花峪,上至桃花源,from Peach Blossom Valley to Peach Blossom Source,區域總面積約32平方公里。with a total area of about 32 square kilometers.她是一條由地質斷裂形成的呈北西走向的谷地,11公里步游路、游覽路伴溪而行,She is a valley formed by the geological fracture in the northwest direction with 11 kilometers walking road, tour road.奇峰、彩石、蒼松、飛瀑、桃花、游魚相映成趣,It is accompanied by the stream, strange peaks, colored stones, green pines, waterfalls, peach blossoms and fish,形成了泰山雄中藏“秀”的特色景區。forming the male"show" characteristic scenic spot of Mount Tai.彩石溪是該景區代表性景點,Caishi Creek is the representative scenic spot of this scenic spot形成于28至30億年前的新太古代早期,It formed in the early Neoarchaean 2.8 billion to 3 billion years ago.黑灰色斜長角閃巖和淺白色長英脈條帶,The black gray plagiohornblende and light white feldspar vein bands,組成了色彩斑瀾的彩石。composed of colored stone.每逢雨季,Every rainy season,溪水、彩石完美交融,streams and colored stone are blend,儼然是一幅連綿不斷的“天然畫卷”,just like a continuous"natural picture scroll".亦夢亦幻,十分壯觀,彩石溪因此得名。It is very fantasy and spectacular so colored stone Creek gets its name.

